Rebates And Incentives For Water-Efficient Appliances From NYC DEP

Rebates and Incentives for Water-Efficient Appliances

New York City residents can receive rebates from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The rebates are for purchasing and installing water-saving appliances. These appliances have high efficiency and help conserve water.

The goal of these rebates is to encourage water conservation across the five boroughs.

By switching to water-efficient appliances, households can save money on water bills and conserve a vital resource.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the NYC DEP Water Conservation & Reuse Grants program, applicants must meet specific criteria.

There are requirements related to income level and residence type that determine if you can apply.

Income Requirements

Applicants must have a household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for their borough and household size.

Specific income thresholds are available on the NYC DEP website’s rebate eligibility page.

Submitting your latest tax returns or pay stubs can verify income.

Residence Type Requirements

The rebates are only valid for appliances installed in residential dwellings within the five boroughs.

This includes single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, condos, and apartment buildings.

Appliances for commercial properties do not qualify.

List of Approved Appliances

NYC DEP offers rebates for three types of water-efficient appliances: toilets, washers, and dishwashers. Specific criteria exist for each.

Rebates and Incentives for Water-Efficient Appliances grants available funding's from NYC DEP


Toilet rebates are for high-efficiency tank-type toilets rated at 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf) or less.

Most modern toilets meet this specification. Gravity flush and pressure-assisted models are both eligible.

Clothes Washers

To qualify for clothes washer rebates from NYC DEP, the appliance must meet two requirements. First, it must be ENERGY STAR certified. Second, it must have a water factor lower than 5.4 gallons per cycle per cubic foot capacity.

Qualifying models are clearly labeled with the ENERGY STAR logo.


The requirements for rebates on dishwashers are similar. The appliance must be ENERGY STAR certified and use 5 gallons or less per cycle.

Again, all compliant models bear the ENERGY STAR logo making identification straightforward.

Application Process

To qualify, follow these steps to buy and install approved appliances, then submit your rebate.

Application process for Rebates and Incentives for Water-Efficient Appliances

Finding a Contractor

First, find a licensed plumber or appliance contractor. They must provide a detailed invoice showing model numbers and stating if the removed appliances are in working order.

Hold onto this invoice to submit later with your other documentation.

Submitting Documentation

After you install it, gather the documents you need: invoices, tax papers, lease agreements, and proof of eligibility.

Submit everything online or by mail. The DEP estimates 6-8 weeks for rebate processing and disbursal.

Receiving Rebate Funds

Finally, wait for a rebate check in the mail. Once received, you are done! Expect anywhere from $125-$500 back depending on the type of appliance installed.

Use these savings to cover part of the purchase and installation costs.

Benefits of Upgrading Appliances

New York City residents can save money and get other benefits by upgrading to water-efficient appliances.

Water Conservation

Newer dishwashers, clothes washers, and toilets use way less water than old ones.

Using these appliances saves water for the future and eases pressure on infrastructure.

Cost Savings

Water-efficient appliances not only lower upgrade costs but also reduce ongoing charges for water and sewer from the city.

For substantial daily water users, long-term cost savings really add up.

Wrapping Up

Residents in New York City can save money by upgrading to high-efficiency appliances. The Department of Environmental Protection offers a rebate program to make it more affordable.

You can save water and money by using energy and water-saving appliances in your home. Installing toilets, washers, and dishwashers that conserve water can also qualify you for refunds. Taking advantage of available rebates makes this possible.

The process of applying and getting approved is easy. It mainly looks at income and installation invoices. You just need to coordinate with retailers and contractors.

FAQs: Rebates And Incentives From NYC DEP

What if my income is slightly too high for eligibility?

Unfortunately, the income requirements cannot be waived. Even without a rebate, you can still benefit by installing water-efficient appliances.

Do rebates require specific retailers or brands?

You can pick any store or brand as long as the appliances are energy-efficient.

Can I apply for rebates on multiple appliances?

If you bought appliances and installed them in the eligible timeframe, you can apply for multiple rebates.

Where should I look for certified plumbers or contractors?

You can find good contractors by asking neighbors, friends, or searching online reviews. Verify proper licensure as well.

What do I do if my application is denied?

First double-check that all application materials meet the requirements. If everything looks correct, contact NYC DEP to inquire about the specific reason for denial. Additional or corrected documents may resolve the issue.

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